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Model Train Building :: essays research papers

The universe of Model Train Building has developed enormously with the guide of PCs and innovation to upgrade the fun of building. Innovatio...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Model Train Building :: essays research papers

The universe of Model Train Building has developed enormously with the guide of PCs and innovation to upgrade the fun of building. Innovation has for some time been a piece of Model Train working with the including of lights, chimes, and whistles to catch your advantage and creative mind. In any case, with the most recent age of building comes the flood of innovation and the PC. The PC brings along another type of manufacturers who plan track design, purchase parts on the Internet, get refreshed news, and talk with other fan. The most remarkable contrast that PCs have brought to the universe of Model Train building is in programming. Presently available there are various bundles of programming that empower specialist in the â€Å"challenge† of genuine yard procedure for a littler scope. These projects permit the individual to move stacks among terminals and monitor your incomes. They permit recreations of operational switches between tracks, numerous train activity, coupling/uncoupling of railcars. In any case, the best advantage that they bring is permitting the individual to plan a format utilizing an electronic layout and guaranteeing that all estimations in the design will work before a solitary bit of track is laid. A large number of these product programs even play off on the promotion of utilizing a PC for plan in their name, with names of CyberTrack, The Right Track Software, and Design Your Own Railroad, who couldn't have any desire to get associated with there use. This product integrates with numerous different parts of building that energize the utilization of the Internet in this diversion. A large number of these projects permit the specialist a â€Å"realistic railyard† activity complete with sights, sounds and even arranged accidents. With the occasion of an accident you are continually going to require new parts for fix or possibly you simply need to redesign or extend you track framework. This acquires the accommodation of the utilization of the Internet in item requesting. With barely any stores in dissipated zones it might be troublesome or costly for some specialist to get to these areas for the parts that they need. The Internet brings this store directly into their home with online lists and parts stores. One standard over the counter index, The Atlas Catalog, gives an electronic form, The Atlas Online Catalog, for web clients to arrange parts on a protected online inventory. Much progressively significant for certain individuals are the Online Magazines that give up to the moment news breaking data.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Suicide Essays (2257 words) - Abnormal Psychology, Depression

Self destruction Julien Rouleau Self destruction: A Self-Destruction Self destruction is the demonstration or a case of purposefully executing oneself. As per Emile Durkheim, self destruction is applied to all instances of death coming about legitimately or by implication from a positive or negative demonstration of the casualty himself, which he realizes will deliver this outcome (44). Self destruction is a seldom ever a last minute thing. Th Susceptibility to self destruction is most reduced among the individuals who have solid network ties. Association in chapel, place of worship or sanctuary may enable the troubled individual to feel that he is a piece of a strict cooperation bound together by ties of compassion, love, and common concern. Place of love regularly substitute for a missing family. ?We this arrive at the resolution that the prevalence of Protestantism with deference over self destruction results from its being a less unequivocally incorporated church than a catholic church? (Durkheim 159). Grollamn noe ?Augustine (354-430) upbraided s elf destruction as a wrongdoing, there was no official church against it (23). Today individuals keep on ending it all for an assortment of reasons: Love, craziness and constant sadness. There is typically a progression of occasions and notice sign before an endeavor is made. Self destruction isn't spoken a lot and is a subject that should have been investigated. Measurements on self destruction endeavors changes so quickly, that none can be expressed with exactness. Grollman compose that ?Almost everyone at once or another considers self destruction. Implosion is one of numerous decisions open to human beings?(5). On the off chance that one is alert and attentive, quite possibly the self destruction casualty can be spared. Envision the idea of being dead. Would the world be in an ideal situation without that one life? Most likely not, however a few people may think so. That life will be enormously given by somebody. It might even reason an individual to need to end it all so as to join the companion that kicked the bucket. Envision how it would feel if the weights of regular day to day existence expanded incredibly. Maybe a parent, sibling or sister was lost. Consid er the possibility that an immature individual was captured. How might his loved ones respond to this little disaster? State there is a test in math or science class, and when the test returned the same individual had bombed it. It would appear to him to be simply one more disappointment in a progression of messed up endeavors to facilitate himself. It appears that the most recent month or two has been only hardship. There is no spot to go. In this way, he feels, there is just a single thing that can support, self destruction. ?Man wants to desert life when it is least troublesome (Durkheim 107). The youngster may think: ?If I where to kick the bucket now, my folks would feel frustrated about their unpleasantness? (Grollman 6). For a considerable length of time, even weeks, an arrangement is detailed. How can he leave the friends and family and his issues behind decently? At last he thinks about an arrangement, dozing pills, with the expectation that a last sleep will take all the bad dreams of reality away for good. Klerman note that ?A demonstration like this is set up inside the quietness of the heart, similar to an extraordinary masterpiece? (55). The pills are taken, soone r or later rest sets in. Finally, the last rest that has been for such a long time anticipated for. An obscured vision shows up and gradually centers. A white room shows up, the vision gets more clear. He centers in around subtleties, for example, an IV remain with a few sacks holding tight it. The medical clinic room was not the normal spot to wakeful. This endeavor was only one more disappointment in his life. Whenever he will think about an increasingly deadly approach to look for everlasting harmony. After the endeavor. He will go to an emergency clinic where every one of his activities will be checked. At long last, a guide is normally brought in. ideally its will help him in the battle to manage life's issues, this done with the expectation that another endeavor is made. ?12 % of the individuals who endeavor self destruction will make a subsequent attempt to prevail inside two years (Grollman 73). To think about this could have been forestalled in the event that he looked for help at the outset. To additionally get self destruction, we should investigate the various purposes for the

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Last Night

Last Night Last Night get it?! I took my 14.41: Public Economics final in the afternoon, so I wanted to go out after and celebrate. (I am so confused about the name of 14.41. I have heard it at different times called Public Policy, Public Finance, and Public Economics. Funny story: Student: Im taking 14.41 this term Professor: Oh, is that PF? Student: No, Im taking it on grades, not pass/fail. Professor: I mean Public Finance) Here is a possibly-staged photograph of me while Im studying for my finals. I love very few things (pomegranates? double-sided printing?) as much as I love Triscuits, but sleep is one of them. Okay Im losing focus already. Anyway, my point is that I had an economics exam, so I wanted to do something fun for the night. Because my fun included three friends who are also economics majors, I didnt exactly escape the world of my major, but thats okay. We went to the CambridgeSide Galleria for dinner Interesting facts: Tina 07 will be interning for John Kerry this IAP Mitra 07 writes a blog (!) for the admissions office Debbie 06 spent the first half of sophomore year studying abroad in Spain Veena 06 is former captain of the varsity womens crew team We challenged Debbie 06 to tie a cherry stem into a knot using her tongue. Then we paid the bill, left the restaurant, and walked around the mall for a bit. 20 minutes later, Debbie triumphantly announced that she had done it. NICE. One of our stops included CVS, where a certain someone bought shampoo and a certain other person bought a giant Hersheys Kiss for her boyfriend. I wanted a really small piece of candy, but did not need an entire bag, so I purchased one of those overpriced truffles (pictured below) for 33 cents. When I gave the cashier my quarter and dime, I realized that I didnt need the extra two pennies, so I told her to keep the change. WELL my econ major friends (I knew I shouldnt have hung out with them!) hassled me so much for giving up those two pennies, since its (apparently) irrational, non-profit-maximizing behavior and I am creating a market inefficiency. Since each person (groan alert) gave me an earful of her two cents, I feel much wealthier now. THANKS, GUYS. The culprit. After dinner, I hopped on the bus and went to the movie theater where Sam and some other friends had patiently waited in line and saved me a good seat. (How dare they call me inefficient? Honestly.) We saw Brokeback Mountain, which was simply wonderful. Michelle Williamss acting was phenomenal. Youve come a long way, Jennifer Lindley. (Well, so has Joey Potter, but thats a whole separate story.) (Does anyone get these references? Anyone?) It surprisingly wasnt that cold outside, so we decided to take the bus back to campus, where we unintentionally danced around in black ice before getting back to our dorm. (In case you dont know the origins of the story in Brokeback Mountain: its based on a short story of the same name by E. Annie Proulx. Last January, I wrote about some books I had recently read, including Proulxs The Shipping News.)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Unit 10 – Assessment 4 - Child Abuse. - 2490 Words

Unit 10 – Assessment 4 P4 – Describe the signs and symptoms of child abuse. Most children are not at risk of abuse in their family homes however there are situations that increase the risk. However stresses and strains on the family can cause one or both of the parents to react in anger and take it out on the child. It is usually the most vulnerable or the youngest member of the family unit who is the victim of the abuse. Abuse is usually as a result of the parents having bad parenting skills or not having an attachment in the family. Sign and Symptoms of Abuse It can be easy to tell which accidents are accidental and which are non-accidental for example, places such as: nose, forehead, crown, chin, bony spine, elbows, forearm, hip,†¦show more content†¦* Notify Ofsted of any incidents or accidents and changes * Always listen to the child. Responding to direct or indirect disclosure To disclose information is to tell another person about an incident or event. Direct disclosure occurs when the child or young person informs someone directly that they have been abused or exploited, this may begin as just a comment that then requires further investigation. Indirect disclosure usually involves a third party who may have information that or added comments from the child that rings alarm bells. From this point staff will observe behaviour that might indicate possible abuse or the child may be sexually aware and act in an inappropriate way. Or the child may make of comment that alerts the listeners. It is important that you listen carefully and attentively when a child or young person is talking, especially if it is about a difficult subject like abuse. The adult must not interpret words incorrectly and make sure they are clear of what the child is saying, that there is no misunderstanding. The adult must not show shock or disgust, especially if the child is younger, as this could make the child reluctant to disclose if you do. Do not rush the child or young person. Let them take their time as rushing them could distract them or make them feel as if you do not care. Saying ‘hurry up, I have other things to do as well’ to a child when they are telling you about a situation that may not have beenShow MoreRelatedSafeguarding Adults Essay3157 Words   |  13 PagesAssignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why advertising is an ethical problem Essay - 1524 Words

Why is advertising an ethical problem? †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If it is, it is because it is often intrusive, deceptive, or manipulative -- or, at least, this is what people say about it. †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another problem is the money and resources devoted to advertising; billions are spent each year (around $500 billion in fact) that, perhaps, could go to education, health care, research, reforestation, or other worthy causes. Well come back to this, but first we look at the problem of deception. †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Could argue that it distorts our whole economy; it is not merely that we are bombarded by it all the time, but may even impede certain important functions such as free debate. What gets†¦show more content†¦Moreover, advertising can itself contribute to the betterment of society by uplifting and inspiring people and motivating them to act in ways that benefit themselves and others. d) Moral and Religious Benefits of Advertising In many cases, too, benevolent social institutions, including those of a religious nature, use advertising to communicate their messages — messages of faith, of patriotism, of tolerance, compassion and neighborly service, of charity toward the needy, messages concerning health and education, constructive and helpful messages that educate and motivate people in a variety of beneficial ways. CONS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ a) Economic Harms of Advertising More often, though, advertising is used not simply to inform but to persuade and motivate — to convince people to act in certain ways: buy certain products or services, patronize certain institutions, and the like. This is where particular abuses can occur. The practice of quot;brandquot;-related advertising can raise serious problems. Often there are only negligible differences among similar products of different brands, and advertising may attempt to move people to act on the basis of irrational motives (quot;brand loyalty,quot; status, fashion, quot;sex appeal,quot; etc.) instead ofShow MoreRelatedGender Portrayals Of Women s Advertising1505 Words   |  7 PagesPortrayals in Advertising Gender portrayal in advertising has been a widely discussed and researched topic for years by social scientists, consumers, and advertisers alike. However, many people have looked at the topic solely from the perspective of male and female consumers and the effect that gendered advertisements have on them. In an article from The Journal of Advertising, Linda Tuncay Zayer and Catherine A. Coleman researched this topic from a different angle. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Regression Analysis Free Essays

Quantitative Methods Project Regression Analysis for the pricing of players in the Indian Premier League Executive Summary The selling price of players at IPL auction is affected by more than one factor. Most of these factors affect each other and still others impact the selling price only indirectly. The challenge of performing a multiple regression analysis on more than 25 independent variables where a clear relationship cannot be obtained is to form the regression model as carefully as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Regression Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Of the various factors available we have leveraged SPSS software for running our regression analysis. One of the reasons for preferring SPSS over others was the ease with which we can eliminate extraneous independent variables. The two methodologies used for choosing the best model in this project are: * Forward Model Building: Independent variables in order of their significance are incrementally added to the model till we achieve the optimum model. * Backward Elimination: The complete set of independent variables is regressed and the least significant predictors are eliminated in order to arrive at the optimum model. Our analysis has shown that the following variables are the most significant predictors of the selling price: COUNTRY : whether the player is of Indian origin or not AGE_1 : whether the player is below 25 years or not T_RUNS : total number of test runs scored by the player ODI_RUNS : total number of runs scored in ODI matches ODI_WICKET : total number of wickets taken by the player RUNS_S : total number of runs scored by the player BASE_PRICE : the base price of the player set in IPL Using the calculated coefficients the regression model equation can be stated as below: SOLD PRICE = -13366. 247 + 219850. 349(COUNTRY) + 204492. 531(AGE_1) -59. 957 (T_RUNS) + 53. 878 (ODI_RUNS) + 491. 636 (ODI_WICKET) + 194. 445(RUNS_S )+ 1. 442(BASE_PRICE) Analysis of Results * Following is a snapshot of the estimated best regression model ( explained in depth as part of answer to Q no 1) Model Summary| Model| R| R Square| Adjusted R Square| Std. Error of the Estimate| 1| . 772a| . 597| . 573| 265690. 463| a. Predictors: (Constant), BASE_PRICE, AGE_1, RUNS_S, ODI_WICKET, COUNTRY, T_RUNS, ODI_RUNS| From the regression model we have estimated BASE_PRICE is found to be the highest impact predictor. This implies that more than anything else the benchmark base price of a player is the single strongest determinant of the selling price of the player. * The analysis shows that T_RUNS, i. e. amount of runs scored in test matches negatively impacts the selling price of the player. It is sur prising though not unexpected to find that superior performance by a batsman in test matches reduces his worth in IPL auctions. The positive correlation between AGE_1 and selling price indicates that the younger a player the higher is his expected compensation. * Players from India are expected to command much higher bids than their foreign counterparts, as evidenced by the positive coefficient of COUNTRY. * Another observation is that the total amount of runs scored by a player positively impacts his selling price. * The R Square value of the model comes out to be 0. 597 (and the adjusted R Square value is 0. 573). This small value of R Square indicates that our regression model has limitations. The standard error of the estimate is found to be large and equal to 265690. 463. Q3 What is the impact of ability to score â€Å"SIXERS† on the player’s price? In order to analyze the impact of the variable â€Å"SIXERS†, we add it in the regression model and then we o bserve that the probability of T statistics for SIXERS is 0. 862 and the value of RUNS_S is 0. 0504 which makes it in the rejection region. So this means that the impact of this variable has already been covered in the RUNS_S variable and hence adding this variable for regression is not a good idea. Model Summary| Model| R| R Square| Adjusted R Square| Std. Error of the Estimate| 1| . 772a| . 597| . 570| 266752. 420| a. Predictors: (Constant), SIXERS, AGE_1, ODI_WICKET, BASE_PRICE, COUNTRY, T_RUNS, RUNS_S, ODI_RUNS| ANOVAb| Model| Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | 1| Regression| 1. 274E13| 8| 1. 592E12| 22. 378| . 000a| | Residual| 8. 610E12| 121| 7. 116E10| | | | Total| 2. 135E13| 129| | | | a. Predictors: (Constant), SIXERS, AGE_1, ODI_WICKET, BASE_PRICE, COUNTRY, T_RUNS, RUNS_S, ODI_RUNS| b. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | Coefficientsa| Model| Unstandardized Coefficients| Standardized Coefficients| t| Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval for B| | B| Std. Error| Beta| | | Lower Bound| Upper Bound| 1| (Constant)| -13757. 183| 49696. 116| | -. 277| . 782| -112143. 752| 84629. 386| | COUNTRY| 221562. 322| 54461. 595| . 269| 4. 068| . 000| 113741. 230| 329383. 414| | AGE_1| 203637. 395| 77003. 067| . 165| 2. 645| . 009| 51189. 514| 356085. 275| | T_RUNS| -58. 977| 17. 455| -. 479| -3. 379| . 001| -93. 533| -24. 421| | ODI_RUNS| 53. 455| 16. 302| . 471| 3. 79| . 001| 21. 182| 85. 728| | ODI_WICKET| 490. 322| 227. 281| . 134| 2. 157| . 033| 40. 358| 940. 286| | RUNS_S| 180. 730| 92. 993| . 273| 1. 943| . 054| -3. 373| 364. 834| | BASE_PRICE| 1. 437| . 177| . 541| 8. 112| . 000| 1. 087| 1. 788| | SIXERS| 379. 400| 2170. 467| . 022| . 175| . 862| -3917. 611| 4676. 411| a. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | | | Q 4 What is the impact of the predictors’ batting strike rate and bowling strike rate on pricing? Identify the predictor that has the highest impact on the price of players. In order to analyze the impact of the predictors’ batting strike rate and bowling strike rate on pricing , we first added only these two independent variables in the regression model and observed that the R Square value comes out to be too low . 051. Hence there is no regression relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable ‘SOLD PRICE’. Model Summary| Model| R| R Square| Adjusted R Square| Std. Error of the Estimate| 1| . 226a| . 051| . 036| 399371. 359| a. Predictors: (Constant), SR_BL, SR_B| | ANOVAb| Model| Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | 1| Regression| 1. 092E12| 2| 5. 462E11| 3. 424| . 036a| | Residual| 2. 026E13| 127| 1. 595E11| | | | Total| 2. 135E13| 129| | | | a. Predictors: (Constant), SR_BL, SR_B| | | | b. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | Coefficientsa| Model| Unstandardized Coefficients| Standardized Coefficients| t| Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval for B| | B| Std. Error| Beta| | | Lower Bound| Upper Bound| 1| (Constant)| 217351. 463| 123693. 460| | 1. 757| . 081| -27415. 572| 462118. 497| | SR_B| 2188. 101| 980. 961| . 93| 2. 231| . 027| 246. 955| 4129. 246| | SR_BL| 3502. 089| 2307. 595| . 131| 1. 518| . 132| -1064. 224| 8068. 402| a. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | | | Now we added the two independent variables of batting strike rate and bowling strike rate along with the previous list of independent variables in the regression model and observed that the probability of t statistic for the two independent variables of batting strike rate and bowli ng strike rate is found to be . 958 and . 935 respectively which means it falls in the rejection region. Hence we can conclude that these two variables do not have any regression relationship with the independent variable. Model Summary| Model| R| R Square| Adjusted R Square| Std. Error of the Estimate| 1| . 772a| . 597| . 566| 267884. 659| a. Predictors: (Constant), BASE_PRICE, SR_BL, SR_B, COUNTRY, ODI_WICKET, AGE_1, ODI_RUNS, RUNS_S, T_RUNS| ANOVAb| Model| Sum of Squares| df| Mean Square| F| Sig. | 1| Regression| 1. 274E13| 9| 1. 415E12| 19. 721| . 000a| | Residual| 8. 611E12| 120| 7. 176E10| | | | Total| 2. 135E13| 129| | | | a. Predictors: (Constant), BASE_PRICE, SR_BL, SR_B, COUNTRY, ODI_WICKET, AGE_1, ODI_RUNS, RUNS_S, T_RUNS| b. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | Coefficientsa| Model| Unstandardized Coefficients| Standardized Coefficients| t| Sig. | 95% Confidence Interval for B| | B| Std. Error| Beta| | | Lower Bound| Upper Bound| 1| (Constant)| -15451. 294| 92855. 275| | -. 166| . 868| -199298. 275| 168395. 688| | SR_B| 38. 111| 729. 828| . 003| . 052| . 958| -1406. 897| 1483. 119| | SR_BL| -149. 541| 1819. 943| -. 006| -. 082| . 935| -3752. 901| 3453. 819| | AGE_1| 207089. 34| 81757. 329| . 168| 2. 533| . 013| 45215. 512| 368963. 155| | COUNTRY| 220464. 530| 54256. 883| . 267| 4. 063| . 000| 113039. 678| 327889. 382| | T_RUNS| -60. 151| 17. 118| -. 489| -3. 514| . 001| -94. 044| -26. 258| | ODI_RUNS| 53. 932| 16. 258| . 475| 3. 317| . 001| 21. 742| 86. 122| | ODI_WICKET| 497. 937| 240. 782| . 136| 2. 068| . 041| 21. 206| 974. 668| | RUNS_S| 193. 412| 53. 528| . 293| 3. 613| . 000| 87. 430| 299. 393 | | BASE_PRICE| 1. 443| . 178| . 543| 8. 101| . 000| 1. 090| 1. 795| a. Dependent Variable: SOLD_PRICE| | | | | | Referring to the regression model data outcome as given in Q1 we can see that the Standardized coefficient value for the BASE_PRICE is the highest which is . 543 and hence we can conclude that the BASE_PRICE is the predictor which has the highest impact on the price of players. Q 8 How much should Mumbai Indians offer Sachin Tendulkar if they would like to retain him? Is the model sufficient to predict the price of Icon players? SOLD PRICE = -13366. 247 + 219850. 349(COUNTRY) + 204492. 531(AGE_1) -59. 957 (T_RUNS) + 53. 878 (ODI_RUNS) + 491. 636 (ODI_WICKET) How to cite Regression Analysis, Essay examples Regression Analysis Free Essays REGRESSION ANALYSIS Correlation only indicates the degree and direction of relationship between two variables. It does not, necessarily connote a cause-effect relationship. Even when there are grounds to believe the causal relationship exits, correlation does not tell us which variable is the cause and which, the effect. We will write a custom essay sample on Regression Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, the demand for a commodity and its price will generally be found to be correlated, but the question whether demand depends on price or vice-versa; will not be answered by correlation. The dictionary meaning of the ‘regression’ is the act of the returning or going back. The term ‘regression’ was first used by Francis Galton in 1877 while studying the relationship between the heights of fathers and sons. â€Å"Regression is the measure of the average relationship between two or more variables in terms of the original units of data. † The line of regression is the line, which gives the best estimate to the values of one variable for any specific values of other variables. For two variables on regression analysis, there are two regression lines. One line as the regression of x on y and other is for regression of y on x. These two regression line show the average relationship between the two variables. The regression line of y on x gives the most probable value of y for given value of x and the regression line of x and y gives the most probable values of x for the given value of y. For perfect correlation, positive or negative i. e. for r=  ±, the two lines coincide i. e. we will find only one straight line. If r=0, i. e. both the variance are independent then the two lines will cut each other at a right angle. In this case the two lines will be  ¦to x and y axis. The Graph is given below:- We restrict our discussion to linear relationships only that is the equations to be considered are 1- y=a+bx – x=a+by In equation first x is called the independent variable and y the dependent variable. Conditional on the x value, the equations gives the variation of y. In other words ,it means that corresponding to each value of x ,there is whole conditional probability distribution of y. Similar discussion holds for the equation second, where y acts as independent variable and x as dependent variable. What purpose does regression line serve? 1- The first object is to estimate the dependent variable from known values of independent variable. This is possible from regression line. – The next objective is to obtain a measure of the error involved in using regression line for estimation. 3- With the help of regression coefficients we can calculate the correlation coefficient. The square of correlation coefficient (r), is called coefficient of determination, measure the degree of association of correlation that exits between two variables. What is the difference between correlation and linear regression? Correlation and linear regression are not the same. Consider these differences: †¢ Correlation quantifies the degree to which two variables are related. Correlation does not find  a best-fit line (that is regression). You simply are computing a correlation coefficient (r) that tells you how much one variable tends to change when the other one does. †¢ With correlation you don’t have to think about cause and effect. You simply quantify how well two variables relate to each other. With regression, you do have to think about cause and effect as the regression line is determined as the best way to predict Y from X. †¢ With correlation,  it doesn’t matter which of the two variables you call â€Å"X† and which you call â€Å"Y†. You’ll get the same correlation coefficient if you swap the two. With linear regression, the decision of which variable you call â€Å"X† and which you call â€Å"Y† matters a lot, as you’ll get a different best-fit line if you swap the two. The line that best predicts Y from X is not the same as the line that predicts X from Y. †¢ Correlation is almost always used when you measure both variables. It rarely is appropriate when one variable is something you experimentally manipulate. With linear regression, the X variable is often something you experimental manipulate (time, concentration†¦ and the Y variable is something you measure. Regression analysis is widely used for  prediction  (including  forecasting  of  time-series  data). Use of regression analysis for prediction has substantial overlap with the field of  machine learning. Regression analysis is also used to understand which among the independent variables are related to the dependent variable, and to explore the forms of these relationships. In restricted circumstances, regression analysis can be used to infer  causal relationships  between the independent and dependent variables. A large body of techniques for carrying out regression analysis has been developed. Familiar methods such as  linear regression  and  ordinary least squares  regression are  parametric, in that the regression function is defined in terms of a finite number of unknown  parameters  that are estimated from the  data. Nonparametric regression  refers to techniques that allow the regression function to lie in a specified set of  functions, which may beinfinite-dimensional. The performance of regression analysis methods in practice depends on the form of the data-generating process, and how it relates to the regression approach being used. Since the true form of the data-generating process is not known, regression analysis depends to some extent on making assumptions about this process. These assumptions are sometimes (but not always) testable if a large amount of data is available. Regression models for prediction are often useful even when the assumptions are moderately violated, although they may not perform optimally. However when carrying out  inference  using regression models, especially involving small  effects  or questions of  causality  based on  observational data, regression methods must be used cautiously as they can easily give misleading results. Underlying assumptions Classical assumptions for regression analysis include: ? The sample must be representative of the population for the inference prediction. ? The error is assumed to be a  random variable  with a mean of zero conditional on the explanatory variables. ? The variables are error-free. If this is not so, modeling may be done using  errors-in-variables model  techniques. ? The predictors must be  linearly independent, i. e. it must not be possible to express any predictor as a linear combination of the others. SeeMulticollinearity. The errors are  uncorrelated, that is, the  variance-covariance matrix  of the errors is  diagonal  and each non-zero element is the variance of the error. ? The variance of the error is constant across observations (homoscedasticity). If not,  weighted least squares  or other methods might be used. These are sufficient (but not all necessary) conditions for the least-squares estimator to possess desirable propertie s, in particular, these assumptions imply that the parameter estimates will be  unbiased,  consistent, and  efficient  in the class of linear unbiased estimators. Many of these assumptions may be relaxed in more advanced treatments. Basic Formula of Regression Analysis:- X=a+by (Regression line x on y) Y=a+bx (Regression line y on x) 1st – Regression equation of x on y:- 2nd – Regression equation of y on x:- Regression Coefficient:- Case 1st – when x on y means regression coefficient is ‘bxy’ Case 2nd – when y on x means regression coefficient is ‘byx’ Least Square Estimation:- The main object of constructing statistical relationship is to predict or explain the effects on one dependent variable resulting from changes in one or more explanatory variables. Under the least square criteria, the line of best fit is said to be that which minimizes the sum of the squared residuals between the points of the graph and the points of straight line. The least squares method is the most widely used procedure for developing estimates of the model parameters. The graph of the estimated regression equation for simple linear regression is a straight line approximation to the relationship between y and x. When regression equations obtained directly that is without taking deviation from actual or assumed mean then the two Normal equations are to be solved simultaneously as follows; For Regression Equation of x on y i. e. x=a+by The two Normal Equations are:- For Regression Equation of y on x i. e. y=a+bx The two Normal Equations are:- Remarks:- 1- It may be noted that both the regression coefficient ( x on y means bxy and y on x means byx ) cannot exceed 1. 2- Both the regression coefficient shall either be positive + or negative -. 3- Correlation coefficient (r) will have same sign as that of regression coefficient. How to cite Regression Analysis, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Ancient Art Of Parenthood Essay Example For Students

Ancient Art Of Parenthood Essay Children walk home from school every day and never realize what lurks beyond their protected space Miller 105. In todays world the acceptance of latch key children should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, our society condones such behavior from the adults. As a result, these children wear a chain around their neck with a house key attached, in order to enter into their home. As the youngsters leave school, they enter a silent world Kay 94. To illustrate, children enter into an empty house which has been abandoned since breakfast that morning. Therefore, television when turned on, replaces the absence of their parents. At this time, children experience serious conditions which they may not be able to handle Gaines 94. For example, they encounter the introduction of smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol, and using harmful illegal drugs. Also, children are exposed to more violent crimes which usually happen in the first 60 minutes after school. Consequently, some children walk home, through undesirable areas where they may see someone being killed right in front of them. Therefore, alone and unsupervised, the youngsters make their own food while waiting for their parents to return home from work Brazelton 44. The art of parenthood has diminished, like an extinct animal which could be reinstated into the family unit; especially when parents need to teach and nurture their offspring, detour their young ones from negative peer pressure, and, work within a financial budget. Parents bring children into the world to educate these individuals on how to care for themselves Braverman. However, children become influenced by their friends especially when spending money is involved Krol 16 . Ultimately, they make decisions on the purchase of their clothing, the music they listen to, and even the movies they watch, all based on their friends opinion. On the other hand, young people realize how their parents have many years of experience in the area of spending money. Therefore, they listen to the advice from their parents on the dealings of financial matters. However, young people have always faced heavy financial demands as they reach maturity Blankstein 133. The difference today is the sheer diversity of the choices, few of them inexpensive. Therefore, they should become skilled and well educated in money management J. L. 48. In addition, parents teach their young to eat the right meals, to absorb enough sleep, and to do their best in school. Also, as children reach the age of eight years old, their strict discipline and respect for elders should have already been implanted by their parents Ogle. Eventually, these young people acquire jobs to obtain a true sense of responsibility of work ethics and the supreme independence from parents. Ultimately, the sheer existence of children blueprinted by their parents creates vibrant individuals who can master the world. For instance, young people know how to respond in case of fire or electrical emergencies. Also, they understand the techniques of first aid and how to get help fast. Again, young people earn money from part time employment which is combined with the allowance from parents. Therefore, their income per week could be drastically increased by a substantial amount Fischer 51. Consequently, children can benefit financially by being creative with their free time Briles 108. For instance, young people project enthusiasm toward part time employment especially when the work creates lively activity. Even though parents try to guide their off spring right, there may be an unplanned development to reroute these individuals in another direction. While on the other hand, young people should be accountable for their misbehavior. Young people strive hard at school to achieve acceptance among their friends Warburton. To illustrate, students pride themselves on having many friends, even if they introduce harmful habits. In addition, peer pressure explodes dramatically with socializing in school and being accepted in certain groups, especially during their adolescent years Ignatz. How Does Gatsby Represent The American Dream EssayGranted, single parents work all day, feeling guilty that their youngsters must stay at day care facilities. Eventually, the children adapt to these routine situations of being in a day care and continue with their daily lives. Customarily, children stay in these facilities more often than usual because parents tend to leave them there in order to take care of other business. In any case, children should not be sacrificed for money Daniels 318. Therefore, parents should learn to live within their financial budget. Parenthood should take precedence in todays society Flohr, J.. Ultimately, parents instill the basics of life into their children. Creatively, children draw images from their parents, which determines their unique individual styles and personalities. Finally, these children will address the world with self confidence and security which strengthens the human race. Therefore, parents must take responsibility of the human life which they have brought into the world. Equally important, they ought to focus more on their children, not the money they can make at work Pardue. After all, children discover the world through their parents Lentze. For example, children watch their parents take pride in their personal belongings. Then, as the children mature and become young adults they tend to take great pride in their own possessions, especially when the parents take the children on several different excursions Morin. Ultimately, when youngsters are introduced to new and exciting areas, such as going to the local zoo, being exposed to the public library, and attending a school play, the door to their world opens with imagination, which can be compared to a trip to Disneyland. Furthermore, the prices of these excursions run far less expensive than the purchase of extravagant toys for the family. After a while, the toys lose their novelty, then they are discarded, literally tossed aside for a new toy. If children had the power to decide, which they would prefer would their decision be parents over money rather than money over parents. In conclusion, children need the appropriate guidance from their parents and the day-to-day interaction with at least just one.